
Icemageddon 2025

Please be safe! We are open with limited staffing. HOWEVER, the streets in our complex are solid sheets of ice! If you need something, we are here for you, but if it can wait, we'll see you in a few days when this has a chance to melt off. There are no plans to treat the streets in our complex, so it may take a while for them to disappear. Call if you have any questions. Please call if you have any questions or to check the street status. 405.285.5850. 




Greg Bellah


(click for details) UPDATE: HDCL's Response to COVID-19

HDCL is an Essential Business and will remain OPEN. Given the nature of Huston-DePue Calibration Laboratories’ (HDCL) services, many of our customers are identified as one of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors as outlined by the United States Department of Homeland Security in Therefore, HDCL has a duty to continue to provide calibration services to these “essential businesses” to the extent permitted by our available resources and federal, state and local orders.

HDCL continues to monitor the outbreak of COVID-19 closely and has taken appropriate measures to ensure the health and safety of our employees and their families, as this is our top priority. We will continue to implement best practices as published by the CDC and other sources.